Dear traveler’s friends of the TCC Mediterranean Chapter:
I am pleased to announce that after the participatory process carried out beginning December, to choose the place of our 2ND MEDITERRANEAN CHAPTER MEETING, the chosen city has been FAMAGUSTA that collected about 60% of the 36 votes while the options of KAS (TR) and JERUSALEM (IR) each of them have received about 20% of the votes cast. The participation level has reached 75% of the TCC MED members.
Thus, our program of meetings for the year 2020 , which will be published on the TCC website is as follows:
- February 8: ALTAFULLA (Tarragona, Spain)
- June 27: ALTAFULLA (Tarragona, Spain)
- October 10/11: FAMAGUSTA (Note: this meeting has been postponed until 2021)
In relation to the ALTAFULLA meetings, I would like to take this opportunity to comment, especially to those members who do not know it, that in this town, located between Barcelona and Tarragona (50 minutes South of Barcelona Airport), is the place where some of the TCC members have been holding regular meetings since 2013, and where the informal headquarters of the Mediterranean Chapter resides from its approval in 2016.
Our meetings in ALTAFULLA have been always characterized by:
- Open spirit: Chapter meetings are informal and always open to all those who have traveling spirit whether or not they are members of the TCC. There is no participation fee.
- Having a focus on Travel Literature, not in vain the headquarters is located in a medieval building converted into a small private Museum dedicated to Medieval Manuscripts, which makes it a suitable place for the presentation of books.
- Presentation of first level travel experiences, made thanks to the presence of great travelers who have shared their trips with the members of the chapter
- Singular gastronomy, that is complemxented by the variety and richness of the wines of the region, which facilitates the long evenings required by the informal exchange of traveling information.
I also want to anticipate the intended program of our next informal meeting in ALTAFULLA on Feb. 8 from 4:30 p.m. and until late at night, which is the following:
- Welcome and glass of wine
- Book Presentations:
J. SANCHEZ: 1001 Travel Lessons in 10 years
An extraordinary book that will revolutionize travel books with 192 maps and photos. No doubt the summit work of our dear traveler and member of the CBT who traveled from Russia to be at the meeting.
M. GARRIDO: Americans do not like Kabul birds
Collection of press articles related to the world of travel
MA. JULIAN: The Siberian Arctic
Extraordinary book that collects first-hand information of the lost Arctic tribes. A true jewel of travel literature - Travel Presentations: To be determined, proposals are welcome
- From Bari to Famagusta: Critical review of BARI 2019. Ideas for FAMAGUSTA 2020
- Dinner (*)
(*) It is advisable to sleep in Altafulla or surroundings.
Wishing you have a happy year 2020 that hopefully it comes full of traveling adventures!
Warm Regards see you soon in Altafulla!